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Everything new and awesome in women's health for August

Featuring: Queen of integrated women's health Dr Aviva Romm, Women's Health Activist & Naturopath Dr Lara Briden and Insta must-follow Dr Carrie Jones.

Must Read Blog - 'When period pain is not normal' by Dr Lara Briden. My patients often describe their period pain as "Y'know, just the normal amount of pain" when in fact NO amount of pain is normal, only mild discomfort. If you're having to take pain relief to help manage your symptoms then something is out of balance. Some patients suffer considerable pain for years before seeking help as society mistakenly deems a certain level of gynae pain as "normal". We need to change this thinking NOW and always investigate the source of any pain as a) there is so much you can do about it and b) most endometriosis sufferers take up to 7 years to actually get a diagnosis, often being told it is all in their head or that they should just accept that level of pain. No No No NO!!!! (Please do get in touch if this is you by the way):

Published in June 2021 this brand new book is an absolute corker and I'm sure will take pride of place in most practitioners bookshelves as it has in mine. Dr Aviva claims that "At least 80% of women will struggle with a hormone problem in their lifetime. Yet the medical establishment is willing to chalk this up to a new normal or no big deal, but it IS a big deal!". Described as a guide to calming hormone chaos, what perimenopausal woman in your life DOESN'T need this?! With practical tips and science-backed herb and supplement advice, Dr. Romm empowers women to work with their bodies and feel good in a way that's been denied to them for far too long. Knowledge is power-get reading ladies!

Must Follow-Instagram: Dr Carrie Jones

Interested in hormones? Check. Want info and guidance from a hormone savvy doctor? Check. Don't wanna be bored in the process? Check. Dr Carrie Jones is here for you. In her words, she helps hormonally-challenged women feel less crazy primarily through real talk, education, sarcasm, funny analogies and the occasional swear word. Whilst her insta stories often crack me up there is some genuinely useful content full of testing tips and supplement recommendations around all things sex and stress hormones. Carrie is also the Medical Director for Precision Analytical, creators of THE most cutting-edge hormone test on the market, the DUTCH Test (which I am proud to say I have just started offering to my patients-contact me for more details or to get testing!)

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